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Can You Handle Being Rich? Or With Great Wealth Would You Be Just Like the “Ignorant" Rich Young Ruler Mentioned in Scripture We then as workers together with God urge you also that you do not receive the Grace of God in vain. But continue to give, inspire, and teach  unknown, and yet well known, as dying and behold we livE, as chastised and not killed, as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, as poor, yet making many rich, as having nothing and yet possessing all things  2 Cor. 6:10, 9,10

Ignorantly Rich “I’ve Got my Mind on My Money and my Money on my Mind”

The word “ignorant” can be essentially defined as “to ignore options and alternatives that were not otherwise considered or available.” The passage of scripture concerning the rich young ruler is an excellent example of a classic case of ignorance but yet had the intelligence to acquire great wealth. Most of us in today’s society are also “affected” by this shortcoming despite other areas of personal “expertise” and know how. Many of us would no doubt be much wiser people if only we would heed some very simple, practical, advice given by Christ in scripture.

Unfortunately, religion has “hidden” many “ common” sense truths from the “common” soul. In the true sense of the word religion can be defined as man “looking” for God. But God is not lost, mankind is. True spirituality, which is not religion, is based upon having “experiential knowledge” and relationship with the very deity responsible for creating the world and universe. In this, God is “looking” for mankind - through the “mediator” of Jesus Christ. Some may argue that scripture also teaches, “When you seek me with all your heart, you will find me” Jer. 29:13, but “seeking” and “looking for something” are not the same. The word seek implies that “something tangible is available” as a result of the pursuit. Looking for something implies “pursuing as if hidden“.

Is Money Evil ?

The passage in scripture concerning the rich young ruler has been taught by misinformed bible teachers that did not know or understand “relationship” with God and the application of that relationship within the principles of the kingdom of God. Most and foremost is that the religious “borrowed the belief” from their teachers that money is evil. But scripture declares the contrary. Money within itself is not evil, but rather the LOVE of money is the Root (underlying motivation) to “all” evil. 1 Ti.6:10 If money is evil then we should blame God for making Solomon the wealthiest man that ever lived evil because he who recorded that, “Money answers all things.” Eccl. 10:19 The religious teaching of “money” is perhaps the primary reason most people do not seek guidance from scripture. If you were dirt poor would you seek the source from which the preacher claims it is righteous and “spiritual to be poor? But scripture is designed to catapult mankind into his rightful position of relationship and abundant life in Christ. The rich young ruler in scripture was not immune to the misleading of religious ideals either. In that “ignorance” (ignoring other options) he went away saddened and depressed after hearing Christ’s’ reply , “If you will be perfect go and sell what you have, and give to the poor”, in response to his question of “Good master how can I inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:16 -24

If you want to be “Perfect” “Sell” all you Have and give to the Poor..

In regards to instructing the ruler to “Sell all that he had”, careful examination of this scripture and common cense would tell anyone that when you are “selling” something that you are in a business. Businesses are not “non-profit organizations”. They exist to “make money. If the rich young ruler had known a few kingdom principles (universal truths) he would not have went away sadly but rather rejoicing that he was going to be wealthier. He, like many of us, do not “continue” in the teachings of scripture and become “saddened“ by our “misconceptions and “miss-perceptions”. Jesus did not advise the rich young ruler to just give all his “stuff” away but to “Sell” all that he had, and with the money he earned from Selling his goods, to use it for the purpose of being a blessing to others. And in this case, the poor were the minority and the predominant generation of that day needing the most help. “Selling” merchandise is good old fashioned business any way you look at it.

Although he was quite wealthy, apparently the rich young ruler did not “continue” within the exact same principles responsible for making him rich in the first place. The rich man also must have forgotten or ignored the old testament scriptures I am sure he was familiar with, “He that gives to the poor receives Favor from the Lord and the lord will repay him abundantly”, and “The blessing of the Lord makes “Rich” and adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22 , Proverbs19:17 If he would have “continued“ (if you continue in my word you are my disciples indeed) with Jesus he could have used the money he gathered from the sell of his goods to activate the “Prophetic words” of Jesus, “Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, and running over, shall mankind pour into your lap”. Luke 6:38. People are Not Human “Doings”, They Are Human “Beings”

The rich young ruler did not understand that Perfection is a state of “being” and not an "act" of “doing". Christ’s advice, “Go and sell All that you have and give to the poor (he did not say to give “all“ of it) and you will have riches also in the heavens,” was his answer to the rich young ruler maturing into his personal “Perfectness”. Mt.5:48

The rich man thought, as most people do, that perfection is something one does, where Jesus said it is a state of “Being” (mindset and understanding). Just as scripture says “Be ye Perfect” for I am Perfect and “BE” ye holy for I am Holy, only in “spirit” and “mindset of understanding can a person grasp the difference between a Human Being and a “Human Doing”. The truth of the matter is no one, not one, can “become” as Holy and Perfect as God, unless that state is already an attribute of God himself that is given to us (not earned) from Him.

Likewise, Perfection and Holiness is a “state of “Being” (one can not be something that they are not created to already be) and “Doing Something” can not make someone become something that they already are - or are not. Did you get that. Go back Read that statement again. That’s why mankind is called Human “Beings” and not Human “Doings“. All the ruler had to “do” was “be” sensible, knowledgeable of God’s purpose for money, and allow his “new found being” to maximize it’s potential as Jesus taught him.

“I Got my Mind on My Money and My Money on My Mind”

The rich young ruler went away sad, rejected, and sorrowful after hearing the “prophetic“ word of Jesus, “If you will be perfect (graduate from that good and acceptable, to the perfect will of God) go and Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in the heavens…and come follow me.” He must have been distracted by the “gospel of Snoop Doggy Dog” , “I Got My mind on my Money and My Money on My Mind”, and this “love” of money was the hindrance to his fullness. He did not even “follow Jesus” but “went his way” saddened. These kind of religious ideals have hindered many from continuing in the teachings of scripture because they do not know that “faith is increased by hearing the word and God”. This simple “following” of Jesus will eventually equip sufficiently for acting upon what is received and learned. (If you continue in my word then you are my disciples (students) indeed and you shall “know me” and I (the truth) will make you free) The religious have also taught that “it is better to give than receive”. But this is not biblical. Scripture declares it is more “Blessed” to give than receive, not “Better”. In this, the posture of continuous “giving the ground seed reaped from the harvest” becomes perpetual. Without continual planting (sowing) the yield can not produce over and over again. The “blessing is” the abundance from reproduction and reciprocity is sufficiently abundant for both personal use and unlimited disbursement. In the same way, Jesus was teaching the rich young ruler to think of his money as a “seed” and not merely as a means with which to horde. If the rich young ruler would have just “followed Jesus”, even without doing the money part first, he would have been inspired enough by “his faith being sufficiently fed”, in many subsequent teachings of Jesus.

The religious would call this “disobedience” condemn the ruler for not doing what Jesus said “first.“ But according to scripture, I do not that if the rich young ruler “followed Jesus” without first “doing as instructed”. Jesus would have turned periodically and said something like, “You are so hard headed! Didn’t I tell you to go sell your Mercedes Benz and other stuff man. Go and do what I said, then come and follow me. I don’t have time to be playing you boy! “if you don‘t do what I say, you are going to fry in hell like a steak on a grill! “But Lord, “I don’t quite understand”, the man might reply. That’s why I am following you so that I may eventually be given the wisdom to understand.” Certainly, Jesus would have accepted this because He said, ”whoever comes to me, “in no way” will I reject him”. the ruler simply had the problem of "loving" his status of wealth and being less interested in how his lot in life could be vastly improved with the wealth he possessed. When Jesus told him the truth to his question he could only think about his money. Was the rich young ruler just being “disobedient” to the teachings (prophetic word for him) of Jesus?


The True Meaning of Obedience

Obedience has been taught by the religious as “something” that one does when “told” are instructed what to do. The phrase, “Obedience is better than sacrifice is a favorite phrase for the religious that emphasis strict moral conduct. In the rich young rulers case both sacrifice and obedience was presented. But Obedience in it’s purest definition is, “Listening Attentively and Intelligently, which always results in the “hearer“ prospering by the ’substance” of the thing heard“. The rich young rulers “obedience” was not a matter of “Doing” but rather the inability to hear the prophecy of Jesus , “Attentively as well as “Intelligently”. His intelligence to scripture and truth would have comforted him and his attentiveness to Jesus’ instructions would have made him wealthier. Things that come from God intrinsically has the prospering substance contained within it to cause the hearer of his word or instruction to manifest its purpose only when it is heard attentively and intelligently. Heard any other way always causes sadness as in the case of the rich young ruler.

The Sovereign God

Ever heard the statement, You never know what God will do?. This saying seems to be favored by the religious and validates their belief system that God is sovereign. Since God is “Sovereign”, they say, he is everywhere, all the time, and can do anything he wants to do, when he wants to do it. This is strikingly similar to one of the core beliefs of the Islamic religion. The Islamic philosophy of “God can do whatever he wants to, when he wants, and how he wants, without restraint, has influenced Islam followers to reflect that belief system in unrestrained, hideous, self destructive acts against others. This is their concept of a “Sovereign”, almighty God. The “religious Christian” that misconstrues the true meaning of a Sovereign God have also committed the hideous act of “misrepresenting” the God of love, grace, and mercy.

But the proper meaning of the word Sovereign simply means “Independent.” The United States is a sovereign country “independent” from any other “rule” and “government” on the earth. The are a “Sovereign Nation”. This is consistent with the “Inviolability” of God, meaning that God is immune and “independent” from “outside influence”, not capable of being violated, manipulated, or led astray by opinions and mandates from someone or something else. This is the essential meaning of the “Sovereignty of God” (sober-reign). God has in fact restrained himself from many things. Destroying the earth with floods of water or to commit a lie, and for his prophetic words to fail are some of the things God can not do. Therefore the statement, God can do what he wants, when he wants, without answering to anyone is not the truth because the intrinsic nature of God is “love inviolable.” 1 John 4:8

No right thinking person would follow someone without knowing what that person is capable of doing or will do. That “unknown” characteristic might decide to “do that person in” without warning, consent, or knowledge. But we have “God’s” word, his “constitution” so that we may know the things that are freely given to us. In this, the Sovereign God let’s us know exactly what he will do and has already done, contained within his prophetic words of scripture.

Money Makes a Person Manifest Fully What They Already (Believe) Are

The above statement is perhaps the best wisdom for all that desire wealth. Money is specifically designed to manifest outwardly what has been going on within the thoughts and feelings of a persons habitual thinking, practices, and attention. Unfortunately, most of our thinking is filled with inadequacies of affection, admiration, self importance, and pleasure seeking, believing that “fulfillment” to these “lusts” through wealth will make us happy.” But they never do. The "lower human nature" is never satisfied with enough. If something "temporarily satisfies"(nothing ever does permanently), and within those inadequately fulfilled intimacies of ours, the more we get, the more we want. That is why drugs, sex, and overeating, has become such sought after cultural norms within our society.

In the attempt to fulfill these voids, it is almost certain that most people “will destroy themselves” before arriving to the realization that only the Spirit of Christ can fulfill the inadequacies and desire of great intimacy and fulfillment they so long for. Many would go “buck wild” using their wealth to manipulate people and situations for their own selfish fulfillment. For this reason, the “being” within each one of us stays on guard 24 - 24 so that they will not be ruined in their present eternal and present, purpose senses. This is especially true for believers because of the “conscious “ covenant made with God. In this relationship, the Father has sealed them with this constant guard, in his promise not to allow anything to harm them, not even their own warped thinking. This is why Jesus told the rich young ruler that if he wanted to “Be Perfect” (lined up properly with his being) his purpose for “wealth” had to be higher than “possessing it for his own good” ( and used for admiration from others, self importance, self gratification, and "very temporary", life is short comfort) but for the ministry (service and lifestyle) of being a “channel” of blessings to the hurting and less fortunate.

The Enemy is “In -A- Me”

We are our own worst enemies. One could say “the Enemy” is “in-a-me” because the “being” of a person is pre-set much like a programmed computer to function the way it is manufactured. This inner “guard” “rejects” any accumulation that will “destroy” the totality of the “being” within the believer and their pre-ordained, predestinated purpose for which they were created. This “inner spiritual computer hardware program” knows that wealth will inevitably lead most people into “feeding their inadequacy of intimacy” and as a result will be only used “in the attempt to satisfy and fulfill sexual, material, and self glorifying lacks, which is impossible to fulfill with wealth.

With the proper mindset, not only would the rich young ruler be “more” fulfilled personally, but also the purpose for which his wealth was created could be properly “stewarded“. This “inner Being Guard” and counselor, which can simply be described as the Holy Spirit and Grace manifested, is waiting for all believers to realize their inadequate intimacy problems (within their own self-perception and inner self talk), confess them, and listen to His leading and guidance. It starts with the preparation of the heart, the very essence and “Being” of a person. Just like many of us, the rich young ruler rejected his own “lifeline of feeding his inadequate intimacies” and thereby missed the opportunity to a greater lifestyle. But until we “practice” on rejecting impulsive actions that are aimed towards “satisfying our idiosyncratic unfulfilled intimacies and passions” we can not place ourselves in the position for the “Guard” to release the fullness persevered for each of us.

Since the statement, “more money only makes a person more of what he already is” is a fact, it is plain to see that Jesus did not want the rich young ruler to remain in the same mindset within his stature of wealth but rather “graduate” in the maturity of how to maximize the wealth within his ministry. That is why Jesus said after the ruler left saddened, “It is hard for those that “trust” in riches to inherit the fullness of experiencing the Kingdom of God.” The problem therefore was not his wealth, but rather his “trust” in his money to fulfill and satisfy the “totality” of his existence. But Jesus knew the deception in this “desired intimacy and freedom” and told the ruler the way to freedom (giving) and the truth (follow him) to his completion.

Even though the rich ruler had faithfully performed some of the commandment statues, scripture says that if “every commandment” is not performed to the letter, missing it by one stature disqualifies from being. right at all. If one does not kill but tells one little white lie, scripture declares that that person is “guilty of the whole law”. It is similar to ruining a large window by bee bee pellets shot from an air rifle or a hole made with large caliber revolver Nevertheless, the window is still flawed and ruined and must be replaced. It is not the size of the defect that matters but rather any defect “ruins the whole“ of the window. James 2:10 Jesus gave the rich young ruler his personal key, the prophetic word, the revelation necessary for his “transformation” into a deeper personal fulfillment. He “taught” the man (not warned him) that if he wanted to “enjoy” his wealth and to "maximize the purpose of his wealth" to essentially “start a business” and use that money to help the less fortunate. He said that this would bring the ruler into a “state of perfection” in terms of his disposition within the eternity (now and hereafter) of his existence.


Where Your Treasure is, That’s Where Your “Heart” will BE...

Let’s be real. If a “crack addict”, alcoholic, or glutton, gets their hands on ten million dollars today, what do you think they will do with that wealth. Feed their “unfulfilled inadequacies of passions“, that craving, that thing "we think" will take them to the "oneness of being complete in our perception of the world they live in!

Whatever your inadequacies are, assuredly you will do the exact same thing… with a little more dignity of course. You yourself have made this true because “Where your treasure is (or has been used) (money and passions) Your heart (“Being”) will also be there with it. Mt. 6:21The rich young ruler was even ignorant (o the popular saying “What goes around, comes around” and “you (get back in great measure) “reap” what you “sow” (give and proportion out). Galatians 6:7 If he was not ignorant to these basic, universal principles, then he would have known the things Jesus was teaching him would materialize when activated. In this lesson we can also understand that by “sowing” on "purpose" rather than “allowing” their sowing to be done by chance or "accident", that this principle will always manifest the measure in which it is given whether we are aware of the principle or not.

If you have been stingy with a little money and few possessions, what makes you think that more money in your hand will change your heart giving? The spiritually immature think this way and often attempt to manipulate themselves and “trick” the “Guard” within by flippantly saying things like, “(If I had some money) or When I get some money, I’m going to help the poor people every where I can.. Well, the truth of the matter is that if you won’t help the poor with 2 or 3 dollars now, believe me, your heart will not be prepared and “transformed” sufficiently to help them when hundreds of thousands comes into your possession. The “Guard” within you knows this and its about time that you know it too. Know that “what you do now with your wealth (money, time, Resources) is what you are, and will do with any and all future resources that come into your possession”. Until this truth is learned and practiced the “Being” of a person can not be developed and transformed properly for it’s “designed”, if you will, "magnet and attraction" of all sorts of wealth by both natural and supernatural methods.



Money is Also a Seed

According to the book of Genesis (Beginnings) Scripture teaches that God mad the “law” of the seed saying (prophesying), “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit “after his kind”, “Whose Seed (harvest by re-planting) is in itself upon the earth, and it was so“. In the same way as “seeds” are “sown” and given to the ground for a later harvest so also Jesus taught that money should be thought of and utilized in the same way. That is why he said in Luke 6:38 to “give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, shall men pour into your lap.” Does not this principle resemble the effects of “giving the ground” “vegetable” and “fruit” seed and it returns harvests that are also, “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over?” And not only does this truth apply to “seeds” but also to “money” as well. Scripture even gives us a clue to the “fruit” that the money “seed “ and that it is designed to produce “after it’s kind” when “sown” into its proper soil of “giving”. It is no coincidence that on the back of “every piece of U.S. currency” is printed with the inscription, “In God we Trust”.

Note the following passage in scripture and how it points directly to the U.S. currencies “owner” and “harvest within itself“: “The Pharisees went our and laid plans to “trap” Jesus in his words. They sent with the Herodians, “Teacher”, they said, “we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You are not swayed by men, because you pay no attention to their position or status. Tell us then, what is your opinion. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar of not? But Jesus, knowing their motives said, “You all are all hypocrites (false in your ideals and actual actions), why are you trying to manipulate me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax. They brought him a Denarius (called a penny and worth the price of purchasing ten mules) and he asked them, “Whose image and superscription (name) is this? “Caesar’s”, they replied. Then he says to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is Gods” When they heard this they were amazed and left him baffled, and awed. Mt. 22: 15 - 22Is not all U.S. currency “superscripted” with “In God we Trust”? Therefore, if we are to follow the teachings of Jesus should not we also render to God what is Gods already ? This is evidence that the kind of “fruit” this” seed’ is to designed to reproduce must be planted back “within” the “soil“ and “heart” of God , and as a result a harvest is certain to manifest just as surely as planting a “vegetable” seed into it’s proper “ground” and source multiplies. It is also safe to say that we do not try and figure out why the dirt makes the tomato seed yield a full head of red ripe tomatoes , we should not try and figure out how ”seeding” money yields a harvest just as surely.

This is the truth that Jesus was trying to teach the rich young ruler but he was stuck on empty religious ideals that only hindered him from his full maturity. Furthermore scripture suggests that apparently the rich young ruler went and did what he “thought” Jesus said and thereby lived a life of misery and sorrow simply because he totally misconstrued the teachings of Jesus. This is the same as the many unlearned bible teachers and students over the decades that have forfeited the great blessings of god because there understanding of kingdom principles (God’s way of functioning and doing things) was not complete.

All Believers Should Be Wealthy

It is plain to see that believers who are not wealthy as desired is not only a result of the conflict of “inadequate intimacy fulfillment” but also understanding the difference between The “promises” of God to make every believer wealthy (“For it is the Lord thy God that gives you Power to get Wealth so that his relationship with mankind with covenant may be established) and the “Prophecy” of God that has already declared the believer to be wealthy.

Read that Again..................

God’s words are all prophecy more than promises and scripture declares that “His Word (prophecy) shall NOT return to him void, but accomplish where it is sent (to all believers) and (has) performed the thing that He has already purposed it to do.” Is. 55:11This truth is also the same exact thing that Jesus taught in our prayers and petitions to the Father. “Therefore when you pray believe that you have already received it (prophesied by God’s word) and you shall have it (will manifest). Mark 11:24 Most believe that “prophecy” is associated with some Prophet that declares a thing as he or she has heard it from God. Although this is a fact, scripture teaches that all believers have a gift of prophecy and in that gift should understand that their prophetism is based upon “saying” what God “has” said concerning the situations of life and eternity. Note these passages in scripture: “Follow the way of Love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, Especially the gift of Prophecy” 1 Cor. 14:1, “The person who “Prophecies” is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, 14:5, “AND WE HAVE MORE FIRM THE PROPHETIC WORD, TO WHICH YOU WOULD DO WELL TO “TAKE and HEED” , 2 Peter 1:19, “Being born again, not of corruptible “seed“, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which lives and abides for ever.1 Peter 1:23The Wealth of the Sinner is Laid up for the Just.. Prov. 13:22The truth of the matter is that if any believer really desires to be rich, he or she can most likely obtain the "seed" money needed through acquiring a sizable loan. This likelihood is increased with the help (covenant and agreement) of one or two believing associates that agree to use that money for “Business” and ministry purposes with the "honest" intent of "being a blessing others" rather than "blessing oneself".

Most believers really do not believe the “Prophetic word of God” that “the Wealth of the Sinner is Laid up for the Just” because if they did they would “pursue” the money” that “sinners” (Those missing God’s intended best for them) currently Lord over and “prophesy” that wealth into their possession to be used for greater causes (as Jesus told the rich young ruler the purpose for money). Money that is laid “up” in some places can be hid in a mattress or in other clandestine (hidden) places. But most “rich” folk “lay” their money in the banks and financial institutions of the world. It is not impossible to envision thousands of believers understanding the “prophecy” and go about obtaining two and three hundred thousand loans and multiplying it several times over for worthy causes, because they “pursued” the wealth were the “sinners” “kept there wealth.

This prophecy by God could also materialize into other “supernatural” methods of “wealth” transference from the “sinner” to the “believer (just (ified). One scenario is that when the “sinners” begin to see the “favor” of believers and that “giving” and “sowing” into their causes yields a greater return (three hundred to one thousand percent as taught in scripture, i.e. 30, 60, and a hundredfold, Mark 4:20) and is more profitable than putting it into financial institutions, the banks could conceivably lose a lot of regular customers. This is how powerful the kingdom of God is which has been placed within every believer. This kingdom operates in the order after the abundant provisions of God which can be seen readily in the reciprocation of nature.

No Shortage of Money

The increase of reportedly nearly 3,000 new millionaires per year over the last 20 years in the U.S. alone, has increased the availability of funds to the “average” person because the banks and financial institutions that the rich place their money are actively seeking to increase it’s profits by offering loans and charging interest. (Remember the Lord told the lazy, fearful steward that he could (make the safest investment available) and have at least put the money he left into his hands in a financial institution and gained interest on the principal instead of “burying it.) Mt. 25:25

It is amazing to me that when I hear the news concerning professional sports organizations that are being sold to new owners the buyers are people that most people have never heard of before. They are one of many unknowns that have tapped into the provisions of financial increase by using the present systems within the culture of our society.

Fear Outweighing Possibilities

A close friend shared with me that the favor of God came to him and presenting the opportunity to borrow fifty thousand dollars without hassle. When it was presented to him the very the first thing that came to his mind was the fear of not being able to pay it back. But God told him that the reason that fear showed up was because his "being” had not come into it’s maturity. Similar to the rich young ruler, he focused on the possibility of “not prospering” as opposed to “acting with the faith made available to him” to prosper.

He said that the plans he had pondered “when he got some money” was not a commitment but an just an uncommitted “ideal of a situation“. He said God “reasoned with him” the worse that could happen was that he would go bankrupt without a solid business and ministry plan, and that the “children of the world”, the financially witty , were more “wiser” than believers because they often use the bankruptcy laws to start their enterprises in other formats. They don't crumble because they lost a game, because they are after the championship and are not just trying to make "the playoffs" of life.

But believers are so gripped with fear because they don’t have a “good plan” of action for money , as the ungodly prospering daily seem to always have. My friend said that God revealed to him that believers rarely “count up the cost” of the energy and commitment they will have to yield in order to make their plans work, because primarily, first, they don’t have a good solid plan or action to begin with.

Unfortunately, most plans are selfish in nature, influenced by one’s own cultural and social experiences, and are based upon attempting to prosper in order to “satisfy an inner inadequacy” instilled from their life experiences. After understanding these truths, he went on to start the journey for his financial freedom and stewardship. He hasn’t looked back since and even blessed me personally with some of his good fortune.

He said that it should not be difficult for two or three believers to unify for a fifty or one hundred thousand dollar loan in order to begin financing their plans. With this kind of unity, (which believers should already have) the chances of being successful in their endeavors is virtually assured. Another problem is that people have been stymied in their thinking because they will borrow twenty or thirty thousand dollars for a car, paid in monthly installments over 3 or 4 years but do not think in terms of using money in order to build business which creates jobs as the enterprise prospers.

The Power of Unity. It Just Takes Two

Scripture declares that when two are gathered together in God's name (conceptual reality, stead, and authority which is Christ) God is always in the midst of them, and a threefold chord (three in unity) is not easily broken. But if you can’t find unity with someone, (most people are afraid of wealth and would rather stay "safe" and work for a living for someone else) then Pray and ask The Father to be your partner.

Nevertheless, this is a word made known to the believers, that Now is the time for you to get serious about inheriting your predestined wealth and within that "mindset" start being "wise as a serpent, yet harmless as doves" and using the wealth God has prepared for you to implement the right things.

Trust yourself to meditate (mutter, muse, plan) and start the preparation of your heart and plan of action for your “seed” wealth. Pray about it and do it. Today is the only day you are promised. You can do it and have been predestined to be wealthy, because you are product of God’s dream and not his nightmare. Psalms 1So “Gird up your loins” (make peace and restitution with your inadequacies), and go take your inheritance by force (ask and it shall be given is translated from the original Greek scriptural interpretations as “demand as something due“) with wisdom (living today like you know tomorrow).

Don’t take the rich young ruler’s path of being sad because he “feared” not being rich anymore (or in most people's cases remaining poor) because you have been given power to get wealth to establish God’s covenant (expressed, deedful, love for all of his creation ) and not necessarily to live a life of ease and self glorification.

Use that power. Take advantage of it. But use it. Just use it properly. Remember, where there is a "will" (not a wish) there is a "way" (method) already prepared...

And it is the Father's "WILL" (insurance policy paid by the death of Christ) for you that above all that you might Prosper (spiritually, physically, financially) and be in health, as your soul (mind, will, emotions, i.e. "inadequate intimacies under control") prosper. 3rd John 2 Be Blessed to Be a Blessing…It’s your purpose..(Excerpted from some of the text in the Book “The Garden, The Tree, and The Fruit” by Ken Bleu Campbell

Urban Spirit Publishing, Copyright 2004.. Parts can only be used with verbal or written permission )




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